6.1: Content that is either low quality, unrelated, especially unoriginal, or low-effort (including, but not limited to: simple website/software bugs, steam/product reviews, comedic product/system specs, steam gift messages, screenshots of conversations, internet speed test results, negligible price reductions, items that aren't PC related, even if they are named similarly or resemble it, online petitions and surveys that aren't academic in nature (and have been pre-approved by the mod team).Rule #6 The following will be removed at moderator discretion:.Rule #5 No affiliate/referral links or codes.Celebrities are the exception, as long as you respect rule #1. Rule #4 Screenshots of Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, and other site's comments should have the usernames blacked out (including yours).Do not attempt to circumvent this rule by any means. This includes NP links and archived links. Rule #3 Don't link to threads in other subreddits.brigading, witch-hunting, asking for upvotes or downvotes, enabling piracy, flamebaiting, clickbaiting, intentional rudeness, text spamming, using all caps or emojis/smileys/emoticons in titles or overusing them in comments, meta-reddit or meta-subreddit drama or complaints.
Rule #2 We will not allow behavior contrary to PCMR Etiquette, e.g.We will not tolerate any kind of incitement to action against anyone, nor will we allow the posting of information that can be used to harm others (celebrities or not). Rule #1 Harassment of others is strictly forbidden.If needed, you can message the team behind PCMR.įor an in-depth explanation of our rules don't forget to check our rules wiki page.Owning a console does not necessarily make you a 'peasant'.You can be banned if you conduct yourself like that here. We are not a community where members feign stupidity when posting and commenting because they find it funny. We are a community where many of its members share similar opinions about the main topics, and sometimes end up having private jokes amongst ourselves. This is a normal subreddit with occasional tongue-in-cheek humor elements. This is not a satirical or 'circlejerk subreddit'.
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